I'm sure they're fast, but are they comfortable?
If you haven't ridden them you would not know how surprisingly comfortable they are! They're easy to ride because you choose where to put your hands from full width to max aero or anywhere in between. We've embodied key elements for comfort and endurance.
We're engineered to keep you aero longer. By leaving your tops alone you can bend your elbows, center your hands or not as you wish. Our generous reach and drop give you more options for different conditions. We even carve out the underside of our bar tops for access in and out of the drops and also to match your natural forearm angles when they touch (another of our innovations), then we shrink our bar corners to fit cush tape without bulk. Our classic bends through the hooks are proven, our long drops (trimmable) provide hand support through the full extension of your reach (generally off sensitive nerves), and the inward bend of our hooks is perfectly fine in the hands. SVELTE™ models are designed and tested with angles from mild (-6cm), racy (-9cm) to rad (-12cm) bringing you all new hand positions in 3 dimensional space. Carbon models flare back out gently at the ends to improve knee clearance out of the saddle and create a wider total support path through the drops and hooks aligning your hands better with elbows in different positions. These features support you in more ways to help you stay comfortable and aero longer.
How do you sprint?
Full gas sprints are ~1% of time on the bike and true sprinters are a fraction of the peloton. Sprinting from the tops is more common and then you want leverage, not twitchy small tops. If you're bobbing left and right much you're wasting energy. While our SVELTE™ tops are normal our drops come in then back out just a bit (2%) down below. It's good to be narrow in a bunch sprint and you don't want flare outs that might catch someone or something. For a wide stance under just slide your hands up in the hooks. While subtle, our bars are sculpted underneath to help secure your forearms in an aero drops sprint. If track riders can sprint in tight drops you can, too.
What's wrong with common bars?
Standard bars are limiting. Compacts restrict hand placement and limit your positioning options. Drops flared out were designed for heavy touring bikes decades ago and capture more wind resistance - not what you want. Undersized tops don't fit you by definition, and are neither comfortable nor ergo when you're stuck with them all the time. Worse, they're twitchy and make riding nervous for you and those around you - a bad idea in groups. Our smart design yields better performance and safety while bringing new aerodynamic and ergonomic options. We didn't invent the drop bar, we made it better.
​Those are wild! Will they restrict breathing?
Wildly fast, yes! But restrictive? No. Our tops are normal, and our ultra fast drops support multiple new positions, not just one. Aerobars and extensions cause problems because they fix your hands, forearms and elbows in one place. This can restrict your breathing and inhibit oxygen uptake. We don't. We let you bring your hands in to get aero, but we don't lock you up. Even with hands in you're free to take more natural and comfortable body positions to optimize your profile. This is sustainable longer and lets you adapt to more conditions, which ultimately makes you faster pretty much everywhere
Aren't 90-degree elbows on top faster?
We support 90-degree elbows, too! That's one reason we left your tops alone. It's fast in the right conditions - straight roads, smooth tarmac, and minimal crosswinds - but control is compromised, drafting isn't recommended, it forces your head down and it's hard to sustain. Contortion and discomfort cost watts, too. Bottom line you want more good options for real world riding, and you can ride in our drops longer and with control in more situations. This is safer and makes you faster end of the day.
Are they stable at speed and on downhills?
There are times for tops and times for drops. We're stable because a tight position compresses your body into a weighty package with a small profile. Think cannonball vs. belly flop. A compact weight distribution means you are less likely to be moved from your line and is quite stable and secure at speed. Of course you can adjust your aero profile anywhere along our drops as you see fit for conditions from min to max aero without ever raising up or taking your hands from the bar. High in the hooks is about as wide as on top, and the ability to react instantly is inherent with our design.
It's remarkable how much more stable we are over extensions that make you long, but open you up at the same time. They're "floaty" that way and compromise steering and braking, too.
Don't you do the same thing as tiny bars?
Not at all. You're stuck with small tops all the time. Our bar tops are traditional and fit your body for proven comfort and control. We don't limit you to unnatural and sketchy positions for a minimal, marginal gain. When it's right you choose when (and to what extent) to exploit our inward curves and low profile - the reason for drops in the first place - then a flick of the wrist returns you to nearly full width high in the hooks in a split second. You don't have bar ends poking out sideways, either.
What about race rules and governing bodies?
Our SVELTE™ models are good for the sport and the sort of innovation governing bodies prefer. You shouldn't have to contort yourself or take on risky behavior for good positions. Our efficiency leads to better performance in breakaways, chasing, in the wind, getting back on after a mechanical and ultimately faster splits and more excitement. Unlike most aero positions shifters and brakes are at your fingertips, and you can modulate safely for control. Ours is an elegant solution to a complex problem.
​​How should I position my brake levers?
We recommend your brake levers be set vertical. New lever and shifter designs that flare outward are perfect! Levers that flare out will be straight up and down with ours and you'll enjoy all the same advantages. []
​IMPORTANT CAUTIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE READ. These FAQ are provided for convenience and courtesy. Like many sports bicycling has inherent dangers. There is no warranty or warranty of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose expressed or implied. Statements may contain opinions. Always consult your component or bicycle manufacturer and reseller before installing, using or interfacing any gear with our products. Carbon fiber products in particular may crack or fail without warning and should be inspected before each use. Returns and/or refunds will be managed on a case-by-case basis. Policies and prices are subject to change with or without notice. VAIL ONE Inc. is a registered tradename of SVE Inc. (C) 2024. All rights reserved.
Designed for the wind, faster anytime
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